As most of us practice social distancing and work from our homes, healthcare providers are on the frontlines of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
During times of health crisis, HCPs feel a heightened need to stay abreast of the latest research, developments, and official recommendations. Receiving such critical information in a timely manner ensures healthcare providers can perform their vital work and assist patients to the best of their ability.
At BulletinHealthcare, we’ve noticed firsthand an increased appetite for reliable healthcare news. When the coronavirus first caught the media’s attention, we observed an unusually high volume of opens among our HCP readers. On average, our gross open rate has increased by 4.5 percentage points across our medical association network, from 41.9% in the months leading up to the first reported cases of the coronavirus, to a new established average of 46.4%.
The impact is further reflected when our open rate is analyzed by email subject line. We found higher open rates for email subject lines that include “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19.” On average, email subject lines that reference the pandemic have generated a gross open rate that is 5.5 percentage points higher than subject lines with no reference (49.0% vs. 43.5%).
Our readership rates suggest that healthcare providers are motivated to stay updated on COVID-19, and they’re turning to their BulletinHealthcare news briefing as a dependable source of information.
With more than 24,000 research papers published on the coronavirus thus far, our team is committed to distilling the most relevant coverage for more than 850,000 U.S. physicians and HCPs every weekday morning. It is our mission to inform our HCP readers to help them prepare for the challenging days ahead.

Data Insights Manager