02 Aug 2019

We encourage our partners — more than 45 professional associations and societies — to think of their daily briefings as an extension of their membership and marketing teams, especially when it comes to promoting events, new publications, and other member-related initiatives.

Here are some tips for leveraging your BulletinHealthcare news briefing:

Make a 90-Day Marketing Plan

Across BulletinHealthcare’s association network, our average 90-day reach is over 75%. That equates to roughly three opens out of every four email sends over the course of 90 days. So how does this translate to your association’s marketing strategy? Our news briefings enable your team to confidently get the word out to most members within a relatively short time frame. And within that 90-day plan, implementing other marketing tactics (see below) will strengthen your outreach and prevent message fatigue.

Embed Association News within a Trusted, Reliable Source

Our skilled analysts curate and distill the most relevant news for association members. We carefully select reputable sources that yield credible information members trust. At any time, associations can offer guidance on the inclusion of select coverage or sources.

Utilize the Briefing’s Announcement Section

We provide a dedicated section in every briefing for associations to upload their internal communications. Called the ‘Announcement Box,’ this space allows associations to include graphics, links, and any text of their choosing. It’s a flexible tool that enables marketers to schedule future announcements or quickly swap in fresh content to increase members’ awareness of ongoing initiatives.

Create House Ads That Highlight Recent Projects

BulletinHealthcare provides association partners with complimentary House Ads on a space-available basis. To make the most of this valuable real estate, associations can develop meaningful ads that support their latest efforts, like promoting membership renewals or an upcoming conference. During slower times of the year, it’s a good idea to promote more general ads, like a CME course or an affiliate program.

For more insights like these, follow us on LinkedIn and watch this space!